The defendant was seen by an officer speeding and driving recklessly by an officer. The defendant was seen weaving in and out of traffic at speeds in excess of 90 mph in a construction zone. The officer made contact with the defendant and noticed the defendant to have an odor of an alcoholic beverage about his breath; bloodshot watery eyes; slurred and mumbled speech; and a flushed face. The defendant was placed into handcuffs upon exiting his vehicle and was transported to two separate locations for roadside sobriety exercises in marked police units. The defendant performed poorly on roadside exercises and blew a .166/.165 g/210L on the intoxylizer. The Firm brought Motions to Suppress the Unlawful arrest and Roadside Exercises based on the illegal use of the handcuffs upon the defendant when he exited the vehicle. The Motion was granted and all evidence of the DUI was suppressed. The State dropped all DUI charges