Miami-Dade County. Our client was facing a second DUI within the last year. The police came to be involved because our client was involved in a crash which resulted in injuries and overturned vehicles. Our client is accused of having left the scene of the accident on foot and was found by police approximately 300 feet away walking “rapidly”. Upon interacting with our client, police claim to have detected bloodshot watery eyes and the strong odor of alcohol as he spoke. Based on their investigating and the statements from witnesses, police concluded that our client was at fault for the accident and asked him to perform field sobriety exercises. Our client refused and was then taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. Police arrive at the hospital and managed to convince our client to give a sample of his blood. Ticket Clinic attorneys challenged the supposed consent given by our client for his blood as it was caught on video and was plainly obvious our client was not in a position to consent to anything. As a result of this, on a case where prosecutors were originally seeking 6 months in jail, Ticket Clinic attorneys were able to negotiate a reduction of the DUI to reckless driving.