The Client’s vehicle was stopped for speeding and failure to maintain a single lane. Once the law enforcement stopped the vehicle they noticed the Client smelled of alcohol and had a difficult time balancing. A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client did not perform well on all the exercises. The Client was arrested for DUI and transported to jail. Once at the jail the client was asked to give a breath sample, which when given showed a breath sample under the legal limit. The arresting officer then requested the Client to submit to a urine sample to show if the Client had taken any drugs. The Client refused to submit to a urine sample. The Firm was hired to help the Client and immediately began investigating the case. It was discovered that there was no other evidence that the Client was under the influence of any drug or controlled substance and as a result the urine request would be inadmissible. The State Attorney’s office agreed but still refused to dismiss the case entirely. The Firm set the case for trial and on the morning of trial the State dismissed all charges against the Client.