An officer of the Orlando Police Department charged our client with battery after a verbal altercation escalated between our client and her son. The alleged victim and his significant other claimed that our client grabbed his arm multiple times to prevent him from ending their conversation. Eventually, the alleged victim pulled away and sat in the passenger seat of the car. Things escalated further when the victim’s girlfriend started driving away while our client was threatening them through the open window with her hands on the car door. The girlfriend drove away as the client continued to hang onto the vehicle door and window. The girlfriend claims our client threatened to break the window if she did not stop. After some time, our client let go of the vehicle and the car drove away. The officer charged our client with 1st degree misdemeanor battery. We demanded a trial by jury for our client, intending to show that our client was not the primary aggressor as the State witnesses claimed. The State dropped the charges against our client before trial and she was never required to attend any court hearings.