The Client was arrested on a warrant in 2020 for allegations of a hit and run accident involving a child in the street from 1997. The Client was unaware what the warrant was referring to and was shocked to find out there was a warrant out for his arrest. The Firm was retained to handle the matter and immediately investigated why the Client had a warrant out for his arrest. The Firm discovered that the Client was wanted in reference to a hit and run investigation from 1997 involving a child in the street on his bicycle. However, the evidence in the file indicated no one actually witnessed the Defendant in any way in reference to the accident, and the State never tried to even find the Client to serve the warrant upon him. The Firm researched the relevant case law and decided to file a motion to dismiss the case based upon the Statute of Limitations, which had expired. The Firm filed the motion and after reviewing the matter the State agreed and dismissed the case entirely.